This week the whole middle school student body was pretty much missing. About 80% of them had been sick and the other 20% were getting ready to be sick. I unfortunatly had gotten sick after 3rd period on Thursday and the full day of Friday. On Wednesday we had started on a experiment we had worked on till the end of the week. It was to observe a little battery powered car try its best to go in a straight line. We later discovered it did not go in a straight line it verded off to the left. Then, we also tested it if the speed and direction of the car changed if it was encountered with obstacles. The first test for that Purpose was that I put a small notebook on the ground and the car had got slower as it touched the notebook but used its force to get over. Then, my group and I made a little ramp to see if the car can go up the ramp and then follow down. It was a open book. When the car started up it took a little while because it needed more force to push it self over the ramp. But, then it finally accomplished that task. Then, after we tested that we wanted to see if not going in a straight line affected that. So, we let the car go in a open path and counted how long it would take to ver off. It took 3 seconds then we put a mouse pad down and a notebook and watched how long it would turn as it goes over the obstacles. It took 5 seconds to go over bothe materials while turning. The we wanted to see if weight changed the way the car turns. Maybe it would turn less while having pressure. With the weight it took 6 seconds not much of a difference. As a conclusion the battery powered car could not go in a straight line it had turned off to the left side. Which effected when it was put into obsacles it made it longer to go over it and the car had also turned a little while going over which made it longer. A car going in a straight line will definatly go faster than a car turning.
The other experiment we went over this week was on Monday and Tuesday. We went over observers and people seeing if something is moving. The experiment we did was makea paper telescope and look at the soccer ball as Mr. Finley stands still and walks back and forth. First, Mr. Finley stood in place and we had to see if the ball was moving or not. And the ball wasn't moving because we didn't have to move our telescope to see the ball the he made the ball move back and forth and it was moving because we had to move our telescope in order to see the soccer ball. Then, Mr. Finley held the ball in front of him and moved back and forth. The ball was not moving for him because he didn't have to move his telescope but it was moving for us because we weren't moving with him. Then, we had many worksheets to go along with this like a man is standing at a bus stop. There's an a approaching bus with a man in it and then a man next to the man in the bus. For the man in the approaching bus looking at the man at the bus stop he would say that the man is moving. But, for the man next to the guy on the bus he would say that he's not moving because he doesn't have to change is eye sight to see the man. This experiment taught us if objects are moving or not and what different observers saw.
The science ideas were that people could see the same thing but the different way if it depends on where there standing. Also that little battery powered cars could be changed in speed and direction if encountered with obstacles.
Our real world application for the first experiment is that when a car is hit by another car it slows in speed and changes direction. The other one for the other experiment I had already told you its the one with the bus and the bus stop.