For this weeks blog its a little different. Rather then me telling the computer/Finley what we did this week in science class. But, this time there is a question for me to answer and the question is What are the characteristics of the moon. There are many characteristics of the moon such as its surface like the highlands and the maria. Also the craters and rilles. The dark spots when you look at the moon are called maria or mare. And the light spots are called highlands so the marias are like oceans on the moon and the highlands are the land. Also craters are the indents from meteors hitting the moon in past time. Also the rilles on the moon are long valleys crossing the maria (dark spots) that form a underground lava channel. Which collapsed after hot lava flowed away. Which means there were volcanos on the moon at one time. Lastly after a meteor hits the moon and creates a crater all the debree that goes all different directions are called rays. Just to clarify that in this picture you see the maria and highlands also at the bottom there is a circle thats a crater and all the white lines are rays. Seeing this picture was my best representation for me to understand the maria's and the highlands.