Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week of 9/14-9/18

This week in Science class our class had some experiments we had to complete. The experiments consisted of how the red dot that comes out of the laser appears on the wall. The other two are if your eyes adjust to the darkness in order to see a passage in the dark. The last experiment we had to do in Science class is we worked with light bulbs to see if we can see a marker while the cardboard is covering the light bulb.
The first experiment we did was if we know how the red dot gets on the wall after pressing the laser number. In order for us to find out how it gets to the wall we tested if taking chalk board earsers with flour will bring out an invisable path from the laser to the wall. Our hypothesis was correct because when we did the experiment the flour particles brought out the invisible path. The path was a red line from the laser to the wall. But when any object is put in front of the path the red dot appears on the object. So, there for there is a red beam coming from the laser to any object that gets in its way, which is the wall.
Our next experiment that we tested this week was going into a pitch black room and trying to read a piece of paper. While I was in the pitch black room, I could see the piece of paper and that It was written in black sharpe. But, I could not see what had been written. My hypothesis was that I my eyes will not adjust to the darkness and I won't be able to see the words. Which after I tested the experiment I was correct I couldn't see the words.
The last experiment that our class did in class was If you could see a marker while the only light source is blocked by cardboard. We tested the experiment and my hypothesis was that you would be able to see the marker. After we tested the hypothesis it came out that I was right and you could see the marker because there is still alittle light coming out and thats all you need to see a marker.
This week was very interesting and I learned alot about things that I really just took for granted.

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