Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week of 11/16-11/20

This week in science class we continued to work on position verus time graphs and motion diagrams. We also took a quiz on the graphs and dot diagrams. Which I think I did really bad on. But hopefully I can go in early soon to get the help. We also had two new vocabulary words to add to our list. Path length and displacement. Path length means the length in a path you traveled. On the other hand displacement means absolute distance from where you start. These two vocab words have to do with two main other vocab words we have been using for the past couple of weeks. For path length speed fits with that. And for displacement velocity fits that. Displacement can be negative because you can walk backwards thats going in the negative direction. For path length its speed because there can't be -5 meters only positive physical quanites.

Also we contnues with motion diagrams which look lik dot diagrams but there are delta v arrows indicating the direction and the space inbetween each dot. To see what your displacement how fast and far you have traveled from where you start. The after we had a function or a problem we now knew how to make a position verus time graph of it. Then the quiz was just on the stuff we have learned on this topic and for some reason I didn't get the material like draw a picture of this graph. Which we learned in the beginning of this unit and I can't remember how to do that. So thats one place I had trouble with.

That pretty much ties in my week at school last week and I can't wait till the 2 and a half day week tomorrow. But, lastly the real world application for this week is there are many ways to express how fast to walk and in a certain time. If your walking down a street and the speed up really fast then slow down to a stop. You can express that in a graph, picture, dot diagram, or a motion diagram.

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